I have been blessed to start my Healing journey in 2004. I am a Registered Nurse since 1998. I am a Light worker, a Light warrior and a Starseed
Healing has always been my passion and I want to follow my calling and take my services to the global community by offering online healing services.
The beauty of Healing is that the Healer never works alone...The Healer is simply a channel for the Higher Light Frequencies, Higher Energies, Healing Guides, Angels and Higher Light Beings to work through. I work with the Cosmic Angel Healing Rays and with Lightbeings, Angels, Archangels and Ascended Masters.
The person being healed does their own Healing by matching the vibration of the Healing Energies being facilitated by the Healer. As the appropriate and perfect Healing Guides and Angels come through, the best possible Healing is provided for the person's Highest good.
We are shifting timelines - shifting away from the Old Earth of war and darkness to the New Earth of Peace and Knowledge. We are currently going through the greatest consciousness shift in Human History. I feel blessed to be of service at this time. To take in the Love and Light of the Universe, Let it transform, heal and re-energize you for the good of your highest self.