Enzacta PXP Royale

For centuries, behind Chinese palace walls purple rice was carefully protected and guarded. Only the Emperors, thier families and the warriors who rode to battle for them were allowed to consume the rice.

Now this potent rice has been rediscovered and enveiled in Enzacta's Alfa PXP Royale.

Enzacta call this healthy functional food "royality rice". This specific strain of rice has a higher level of nutrients and amino acids than can be found in any other rice family.

It is naturally equipped with polysaccharide peptides and has a high concentration of anthocyanin antioxidants which give it its purple colour.

The purple rice is micronised to alfa particle size using the latest technology. This means that 99 % of the rice is able to go into the cells to feed the mitochondria. The mitochondria are the POWER PLANTS of your cells; they convert nutrition you take in ( Food, Water, and Oxygen ) into energy.

Alfa PXP Royale has been linked to the following benefits:

  • Positive anti-inflammatory effects
  • Relief from chronic degenerative disease
  • Reduced elevated blood sugar levels in diabetics
  • Reduction in arthritic pain
  • Blockage of bad Cholesterol molecule
  • Obesity prevention
  • Slowing of skin degeneration
  • Improves memory, ability to learn
  • Preservation of sexual function
  • Benefits those who suffer from Alzheimer’s, Parkinsons, MS,
  • Amyotrophic lateral paralysis and other degenerative brain diseases.
  • Beyond the value of antioxidant, free radical protection, here are some of the most common benefits that people first notice when taking PXP Royale. There is a rise in energy levels and stamina, clearer thinking, feeling more positive and happier with life, improved memory, better sleep and the ability to deal with stress in a much more balanced and calm manner.

    To order please contact me.